When good quality essential oils are inhaled, they activate the limbic system in the brain (the emotional part of the brain) and a magical thing happens, the effects of healing sound vibrations are greatly amplified. Scent and Sound are a wonderful combination!

Try it for yourself…..

  1. Choose your favourite essential oil (make sure it is good quality). For example, lavender is a good choice to aid sleep and relaxation.
  2. Apply the oil to an appropriate place, for example, around the navel or heart centre. Let your intuition guide you.
  3. Make sure to inhale the oil (rub hands together with a drop of oil and place the hands over the nose and inhaledeeply).
  4. Now set an intention or say an affirmation.
  5. Add some therapeutic sound (maybe you have a singing bowl or chime, or simply use your voice and hum with eyes closed, focusing on the intention, and feeling the vibrations inside your body)
  6. Allow silence for 30-60 seconds, for the effects of the healing vibrations to go deeper into the body.


Anne was using the Young Living Oils “Feelings Kit”, a set of six oil blends that are specially formulated to balance the emotions and release negative feelings. She found that they were very powerful on their own, but decided to combine some sound therapy to complement each blend. The effect was much more profound. Before long, she added some affirmations appropriate to each oil, and tapping using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) meridian points, while speaking the affirmations. All rolled into one, the scent, sound and affirmations became a powerful tool of transformation.

Anne uses the combination during private sessions with clients experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety and wanting to release painful emotions from the past. It also works well in small groups. After very positive feedback from clients who wanted to purchase a Feelings Kit and work with it at home, Anne recorded tracks, one for each oil. The tracks can be listened to after applying each oil and include affirmations that can be repeated in the space provided, plus healing sounds to amplify the effects of the oils.

If you are interested in purchasing a download of the tracks, called Sound and Scent – Journey to Tranquility, click here.